Saturday, September 1, 2007


To my esteemed readers,

I just wanted to share with you an email I received in my private inbox and my corresponding response to that email from someone who could only identify themselves as Miki Miki of

I guess it takes all sorts to fill up the planet.


Dear Miki Miki of,

I am elated that I could evoke such passion and emotion in someone who doesn't even have the decency, the courage and the nerve to identify themselves. YOU ARE A REAL WINNER!

Thank you for the publicity that your email will get me and my blogsite. People actually pay for this kind of publicity.

Fortunately, I was born with supreme confidence. No one can take that away from me. Not even a tirade such as yours can put a damper on my charmed existence as a human being. Not one iota of my self-worth is determined by people such as yourself.....


hey pinaysideup!

i heard about your blog and read some of it. I believe that your major problem boils down to only one thing. YOU ARE A MAJOR LOSER!

Regret may be a word that you try to delete from your own memory but believe me, you are majorly in denial... regret as much as you want.... you deserve it... you are a LOSER!

If you are a real damn winner, then you could have lived in both worlds and have the best of what these 2 cities can offer..... accept it... you didn't make it. YOU ARE A LOSER! YOU DIDN'T MAKE IT AND YOU NEVER WILL WITH THAT KIND OF ATTITUDE YOU HAVE AND YOU ARE ARE ALREADY SO OLD! You are so damn insecure of yourself! If you made it, then you will be so confident of your past and present... but you never did that's why.

Sorry if I had to be very frank and honest about it but you are just so damn insecure about your past and present. You deserve to be miserable...... if you feel miserable of regretting what you did in the past, then don't make it an issue with other people..... some people are happy the way they are from the past till the present.... unfortunately, you never made it. Too bad.... tsk... tsk... tsk..... very bad.... tsk... tsk... tsk....

THE TIME WHEN you can accept yourself, what you did and feel confident of who you really are WILL NEVER HAPPEN ANYMORE. Don't pretend to be someone that you are not or someone that you wanted to be in the past and never made it...... sorry, a lot of people are called BUT only a few are chosen and we didn't see anything like you in that basket.

You deserve to be miserable and also the people you hang around with and people who "get you" you guys are ALL LOSERS.

Given a chance from the past or even in the future, you only make it once.... it's either you make it or you break it. GO TO HELL..... in any big city you go to.... and being a filipino.... we only say one thing..... "THEY COME AND THEY GO... BUT THE PILLARS OF FIRE, THEY STAY."

Your worst nightmare,



pinaysideup said...



What a jerk! My experience with this kind of person is that they are usually writing or talking about themselves when they go off like this. It's easier for them to go off on someone else than face the issues in their own lives.

What you are doing--bridging two very different cultures and trying to take the best of each--is tough, and writing openly about it is even harder. In my book, the winners are the ones who face up to things and try to do something about them; the losers are the ones so deep in denial that they can't stand to have anyone challenge their unexamined views. We all know what the unexamined life is worth.


wysgal said...

What a mean-spirited comment. I've been blogging for 4 years and have never gotten anything nearly as negative as that.

It's great that you're so unaffected ... that's the best best response to this kind of stupidity. His/her grammar is atrocious, by the way.

pinaysideup said...

Wysgal, Thank you for sharing your comment. I guess I attract drama in my life, good and bad. Hey, I am not complaining. No reason to be bothered by "inconsequentials". Appreciate it, wysgal!

pinaysideup said...



HA HA Ha Ha !!!! What a laugh!
I live and am succesful in both worlds. Miki, I find Tina's
commentaries truly, humorously, honestly, and humanly wonderful.
A shame you do not see them the same way I do. But cie la vie.
Tina, keep on writing; Miki keep on reading.


Katrina said...

Unbelievable! What I can't understand is what it is you wrote that offended this person so much that they were inspired to respond so violently. Really, I can't find anything in your posts that would provoke that kind of bile! Which leads me to think that Miki Miki may not be stable. I agree with Scott -- the accusations and insults are clearly projection on Miki Miki's part.

But really, who cares who Miki Miki is, or why he/she did this? We all know you are WAY too confident and intelligent to let this bother you. I can't even get angry at this person, because I know they have no power over you at would be like getting angry at a pesky little fly. Isang pitik lang 'yan, Tina! ;-)

pinaysideup said...

Katrina, again it takes all sorts to fill up the planet since there's an inordinate amount of empty space to fill up. It's not my style to keep quiet, feel victimized and not to respond to this kind of trash talk whether Miki Miki is a man/woman, stable/unstable, personally angry at me at just angry at the world. Instead of venting it out on me, he/she should seek professional help. Clearly, I can't help him. And neither can my blog. PINAYSIDEUP

pinaysideup said...

Katrina, Actually, I have to thank him. Now I know how it feels like to be a celebrity. Wow! And I'm not even one.....Yet!

Serendipity said...

OMG. i cant believe this person!
I like your response, Pinaysideup. Go girl!

Mixednuts said...

I am just as curious as katrina. What did you say that triggered this? But come to think of it, who cares? You can write anything you want in your blog. It's a good thing you are way too cool to be affected.

Mixednuts said...

BTW, Tins this is Mayi. Mixednuts is my name in my other blog.